Green transition of Optiplast Ltd.

Grant beneficiary: Optiplast Ltd.
Name of the project: "Green transition of Optiplast Ltd."
Project code: NPOO.C1.1.1.R4-I1.01.0089
Project description:
Project "Green transition of Optiplast d.o.o." will be implemented for 24 months with the aim of expanding production capacity and developing more energy-efficient operations. The aforementioned will be achieved by purchasing a new extrusion line, which together with several existing machines for the processing of low-density recycled polyethylene forms a project unit, and by building a solar power plant. The acquisition of the extrusion line will affect the increase in production capacity, as well as the increase in employment, while the acquisition of the solar power plant will cover 75.48% of the energy needs in the production of the project unit. The planned investment will enable Optiplast to successfully grow further and conquer the market while achieving the goals of the green transition.
Goals and expected results of the project:
- Delivered and installed extrusion line,
- Built solar power plant,
- Prepared and published project data on the grant beneficiary's website.
Total value of the project: 2.239.676,49 EUR
Amount of EU funding: 994.892,77 EUR
Project implementation period: 3.4.2023. - 3.4.2025.
Contact person for more info: Vladimir Rupčić
Mobile: +385911522917
For more info about the Call from which the project was financed, visit:
*The terms used in the text for persons in the masculine gender are neutral and refer to both male and female persons.
*Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU. The views expressed in this statement are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
- La mise en œuvre du système de recyclage de déchets plastiques
- Promo materijal
- Installation du doseur gravimétrique sur extrudeuses
- Le développement de nouveaux produits à forte valeur ajoutée
- La construction de la salle et l'achat de nouveaux équipements
- Nabava - javna objava
- La mise en place de systèmes de gestion des processus de production
- Opremanje strojeva za proizvodnju biorazgradivih vrećica
- Javna nabava
- Pametna tvornica za proizvodnju ambalaže od plastike
- Završena provedba projekta
- Green transition of Optiplast Ltd.